Photo workshop with four teams, each with a different theme
I have been invited by a big insurance company for a day and a half to have a photographic workshop for her 60 employees.
I presented them four photographic themes specific to a delta:
1. People as they are;
2. Birds and animals;
3. Details found;
4. Landscape.
The next morning, after breakfast, we boarded on four boats.
I went to the guided tour, each boat being a team with one of the themes I described the night before.
*People as they are* photographic category of contest
I started taking pictures of the first boat, which had the theme * People as they are *.
Photo galleries belong to me, and I will also post photos of the teams after I make a selection of the ones they sent.
A fisherman preparing nets for caught fish.Old fisherman in his boat with new mobile phone.*Lotca* is a specific boat of fisherman in Danube Delta.Country man working on Letea Grind.One of new touristic boat driver.Two different kind of Danube Delta guided tours, kind of *motorways versus discovery*.
*Birds and animals* photo gallery
The second team had the photo theme * Birds and animals *
This is one of the favorite themes of tourists and photographers visiting the Danube Delta.
Lazy white swan and wild flying bird – emblematic picture of Danube Delta.Two pelicans on their tandem fly.Wild ducks are common birds in Danube Delta.Runaway birds as a challenge for photographers!A duck in a great natural light (against the light I mean).Our boat speed reached 70 km / h, and this bird cormorant had been overtook us and cut our way through the front of the boat!A big pelican flies down just above the Danube.A family of wild ducks floating on the waves.A stork flying over the boat of No Two Photographer’s Team.
*Details Found* category of photography
The third team’s photo theme was * Details found *.
I gave this theme because I know many photographers pay close attention to the details.
Flowers of lily among their gigantic leaves.A delicate hand on the boat’s rope.Hob and stove pipe for frying fish.The anchor chain.The rainbow that follows the teams of photographers at the workshop.
*Landscape* in Danube Delta
Last team but not least, received beautiful photo theme * Landscape *!
The water flowing on the ground with the reed and the trees losing to the horizon, has something hypnotic.
Whether you are on a boat or on the ground, the Danube Delta is a gold mine for landscape photography.
Tree in Letea Grind. Photography as a tribute to Ansel Adams.The wild lea forest Letea seen through an ultra-wide photo lens.Common landscape in the Danube Delta.How water horses drink between the photographers’ routes.A simple landscape with a fishing boat.Motor boats and canoes on a narrow canal of the delta.Any photographer wishes to capture the wreck at the entrance to the Danube Delta.he Old Light is an objective that every tourist or photographer wants to reach.
Danube Delta it is one European Heaven for tourists and photographers around the world.
I thank all those I accompanied in guided photo tours.