Photography for beginners. Weekly workshop with Aurel Virlan one of the best photographers.
Photography for beginners. Weekly workshop with Aurel Virlan one of the best photographers.

Class of photography for beginners

Learn to take best pictures

It does not really matter that you know nothing about photography, because that’s why you come to the class!
Aurel Virlan is here to introduce you to the secrets of photography.
In the eight weeks of the course, you will learn the photographic composition and put it into practice.

That's what one of the photo classes looks like
That’s what one of the photo classes looks like.

I tell all my students the purpose of my course, which is to give them the tools to photograph the world around them.

They will know to admit a good image of a bad one and that’s not all: they will get to say why a photo is good or bad!
When someone knows how to recognize a good shot of a bad one, that means that the photographer will never be able to take bad pictures anymore.
Is not it so easy to become a good photographer?
Every week, I will discuss a particular theme, then I will show examples of good and bad photos, so students can do this well for the next week.

My photo course is called *Dialogue with the Visible*, thus paying tribute to a very good book on the theory of the image.

It’s actually a weekly workshop that aims to teach you the basic rules of photography, but to help and use them when picking up a camera to get a suggestive image.




  1. If every people take photo, I think that every people should take classes of photography!
    Great pictures will come soon.


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